Words Digger Provides the most User Friendly UI Design
Easy to search any info in any directory
Serial Number Verification
- If this is your first time using Words Digger, Click Browse and you will see a small window showing you to input your serial number.
- If you don’t have a serial number yet. You can click the ‘Buy Serial Number’ Below:

Input your serial number
- If you haven’t bought a serial number, you can click: Buy a Serial Number.
- you can also click the Wordsdigger.com or Buy a serial number on this window.
- After you get the serial number and input it in front of ‘Verify’. You will see a successful reminding window.
Start Searching
- Click ‘Browse’ to select a directory you want to search in.
- input something you want to find after ‘Search Words’ .
- The right Screenshot is an example: There are many files in D:/Test, and I forget which file I put my important information “hello” in. So I choose directory as D:/Test and Search Words as hello.

Search Result
- After clicking Search. The yellow Processing Bar will start to work. Then you can see the searching process.
- When Words Digger found the words you want to search, the file will be added in the Search Results Area.
- When Searching completes, You will see a complete window. Here in this example, When I search hello among all the files in D:/TEST. Words Digger found 4 files contains hello.